It’s evident that smart businesses stay abreast of the trends. They understand their competitors and markets. Having carried out the relevant research, they make sure to launch the right product or service at the right time. Knowledge is power, but getting this information can be overwhelming especially as sources are vast, data is massive, but time is short.
That is why we do the hard work for you.
The Business Observatory is a bespoke industry analysis service that helps keep you on top of your game.
It’s your own personal website magazine, telling you exactly what you need to know.
The Doinel Observatory allows you to:
- Follow new products, services and trends in your sector
- Monitor your competitors’ activities
- Stay up-to-date with publications on specific topics
- Understand what experts in your field are saying and doing
- Study your market’s habits and preferences
…and a whole lot more.
What information would really help you?
- Your competitors’ activities and initiatives
- New players
- New products, services and trends
- Expert points of view
- Market studies
- Evolution of foreign markets
Next, we’ll choose the correct sources within a range of source typologies, based on your specific needs. Examples of this include:
- Publications
- Competitor websites
- Websites of professional associations
- Websites of sectorial fairs
- Blogs
After this, our researchers and analysts begin to regularly analyse all the sources and extract the relevant content. This is based on the criteria from Stage 1.
Finally, all the information is organised and translated when necessary.
It’s your own custom magazine, precisely targeted to your needs.
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